Rent of retail and office space | TDK Tulsky

Rent of retail and office space

Call by phone:

+7 (495) 650-30-35

+7 (495) 663-84-64

daily from 10:00 to 18:00


A multifunctional complex retail and business center «Tulsky» - is an example of an up- to- date high level commercial property in a MIXED-USE segment, wherein effectually combined an «А» class office centre, spacious retail gallery, event-zone, famous restaurants and a homelike cafes.

You can apply for a lease in any way convenient for you. Download an offer for renting an event zone here.

Call by phone:

+7 (495) 650-30-35

+7 (495) 663-84-64

daily from 10:00 to 18:00
